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Tramedautore – Freetime

Teatro Studio Melato

An irreverent and impartial work that looks back over the last ten years of history, beginning with the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

©Salvatore Pastore

The Red Lion


Teatro Grassi

The loss of values in football is the central point in a ruthless, ironic and poetic English piece, which has been transposed to provincial Campania.

Teatro fra parentesi - mare culturale urbano

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.

©Gianluca Moretto

Teatro fra parentesi


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.


Teatro fra parentesi


Teatro Strehler

Created during the lockdown, the new play by Marco Paolini examines an all-round role for live entertainment.



©Mario Spada

Tavola tavola, chiodo chiodo...


Teatro Studio Melato

A never-before-seen portrait of the artist. Eduardo and his Don Quixote-esque battles for the theatre characterised by few victories and many defeats.

©Mario Spada

Tavola tavola, chiodo chiodo...


Teatro Grassi

A never-before-seen portrait of the artist. Eduardo and his Don Quixote-esque battles for the theatre characterised by few victories and many defeats.

©Andrea Pizzalis

Talk show | Sotterraneo incontra Telmo Pievani | Talk-performance

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Talk show, a format that is both though-provoking and fun. Sotterraneo, an experimental theatre collective, meets Temo Pievani.

©Andrea Pizzalis

Talk show | Sotterraneo incontra Maura Gancitano | Talk-performance

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Sotterraneo, collettivo di ricerca teatrale, incontra Maura Gancitano.

©Marco Borrelli



Teatro Studio Melato

Fantastic stories and real episodes: Massini, with live music by Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, tells stories both great and small.

Stefano Massini | Manuale di sopravvivenza

Teatro Strehler

Stefano Massini, con la complicità di Paolo Jannacci, racconta il suo nuovo libro Manuale di sopravvivenza. Messaggi in bottiglia d’inizio millennio 



Teatro Grassi

A new production by the Carlo Colla & Figli Company dedicated to the most famous puppet of all time: Pinocchio.

©MoniQue foto

Pane o libertà


Teatro Strehler

In a period characterised more by questions than answers, Paolo Rossi brings to the Piccolo a performance that calls for resistance and choice.

Non me “nero” accorta | Dialoghi e letture

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The two writers and activists bring to the Piccolo’s Chiostro the format that led to them finding fame with widespread social network audiences.

NEXT – Sogno americano. Chapter1#ray.

Teatro Grassi

The 2020 edition of NEXT at the Piccolo Teatro with the Teatro del Simposio (Sogno americano Chapter1#ray) and servomutoTeatro (Non un’opera buona)