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©Ava Kiaie



Teatro Strehler

From Iran, a re-reading of Büchner’s masterpiece by Reza Servati, a thirty year-old from Teheran with a passion for the classics.

©Luca Del Pia



Teatro Strehler

Vangelo: the evocativeness of Enzo Avitabile’s music, the memories, the images and the voices of one of the most ferocious wars in recent history.

©PEPE fotografia

Tre sorelle


Teatro Studio Melato

Memories, the unsaid, regrets for a lost world, the impossibility of coming to terms with the present. A heart-rending Chekhov.

Tramedautore - Who the fuck started all this – Hurtling stillness

Teatro Grassi

The consequences of the Balkan war seen from the point of view of Dejan Dukovski, one of the most acclaimed European playwrights.

Tramedautore - Quando il sale non era l’unico fiore

Teatro Grassi

A poetic and cruel story on childhood and adulthood, but above all on that crucial passage between two fundamental moments in life.

Tramedautore - Natura morta con attori

Teatro Grassi

A dialogue of love, desperate, ferocious, in search of the truth, which involves a prostitute and an ex-writer.

Tramedautore - Lourdes

Teatro Grassi

Based on the novel of the same name by Rosa Matteucci Lourdes is an irreverent pilgrimage with a delightful carneval of characters.

Tramedautore - Little Europa

Teatro Grassi

Little Europa, a project by the company VicoQuartoMazzini, stages a lucid and cynical analysis of a contemporary, fragile and confused Europe.

Tramedautore - Il colore del sole

Teatro Grassi

Loosely based on the novel by Camilleri, it interweaves episodes from the seventeenth century with modern-day situations.

Tramedautore - I camminatori della patente ubriaca

Teatro Grassi

The true story of an imploded “alcoholic” family which is desperately searching for an “angel”.

Tramedautore - Esilio

Teatro Grassi

With Esilio Mariano Dammacco chooses the path of surreal dialogue in order to follow an “awareness of suffering” regarding the loss of a job.

Tramedautore - Det er Ales (Lei è Ales)


Teatro Grassi

Based on the novel by Jon Fosse: a woman relives the past in a conversation between herself, the younger version of herself and her husband.

Tramedautore - Bandierine al vento

Teatro Grassi

Philipp Löhle overturns the idea of a “happy” Germany in a play which presents the members of a perfect family overwhelmed by the crisis.

The Pride


Teatro Strehler

A piece which, by exploring themes such as destiny, love, loyalty and forgiving, asks questions regarding identity and the choices which determine it.

Soudain l'été dernier


Teatro Strehler

A fascinating and enegmatic text, where “madness” leads to the deepest levels of reality.