Benvenuti al Piccolo! Nel paese di Teatro is a show-tour of the Teatro Strehler for primary school children and their families. An experience of play and theatrical interaction aimed at discovering the places, the work, the characters and the stories that have made the Piccolo so famous.
Teatro Strehler
In the land of theatre, there was a man who always said: “Things belong to those who work them / or to those who improve them / or to those who love and defend them / not to those who have had them / without doing anything” (G. Strehler / B. Brecht). In the land of theatre, once upon a time... and also now!
Visitors can ask questions, laugh, play and even think a little! In the company of two actors, explore the areas of the theatre (workshops, stages, underground tunnels, magic boxes...) and meet its “inhabitants” (characters both famous - like Harlequin, it seemed! - and forgotten, creatures both fantastic or real), with the conviction that through theatre the world can become a better place.
You need to be careful in the land of theatre, because if you don’t watch where you are walking, you may take a long fall! It’s better to follow the guide (who is lots of fun) than to wander off on your own, where no-one will find you! And for the finale? Just one note; “I want no applause; I deserve no honour. / In the end, everyone does their job” (L. Lionni).
Duration: 60’ without intermission
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ReadIn the land of theatre, there was a man who always said: “Things belong to those who work them / or to those who improve them / or to those who love and defend them / not to those who have had them / without doing anything” (G. Strehler / B. Brecht). In the land of theatre, once upon a time... and also now!
Visitors can ask questions, laugh, play and even think a little! In the company of two actors, explore the areas of the theatre (workshops, stages, underground tunnels, magic boxes...) and meet its “inhabitants” (characters both famous - like Harlequin, it seemed! - and forgotten, creatures both fantastic or real), with the conviction that through theatre the world can become a better place.
You need to be careful in the land of theatre, because if you don’t watch where you are walking, you may take a long fall! It’s better to follow the guide (who is lots of fun) than to wander off on your own, where no-one will find you! And for the finale? Just one note; “I want no applause; I deserve no honour. / In the end, everyone does their job” (L. Lionni).
Duration: 60’ without intermission
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Benvenuti al Piccolo!
Nel paese di Teatro
by Michele Dell’Utri
with Monica Buzoianu and Alberto Pirazzini/Pietro Savoi
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa production
With the support of
Free of charge activity
The show is not available for subscription holders
How and where to purchase
For information, click here
Organised groups and audiences
For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216