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Il barone rampante

Teatro Grassi

In the wake of its extraordinary reception from audiences, the re-reading by Riccardo Frati of Italo Calvino’s masterpiece returns to the Piccolo

Tickets from 
€ 17
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© Masiar Pasquali

Gli anni

Teatro Studio Melato

Marta Ciappina in the award-winning production by D’Agostin, a blend of dance and theatre, and a reflection on time and memory

Tickets from 
€ 17
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© Michelle Davis
Teatro Strehler
Image – shutterstock

Mein Kampf

100 years on from Mein Kampf, Massini stages Hitler’s delirium to ensure that conscience impedes history from repeating itself

Tickets from 
€ 17
Teatro Strehler
© Simone Di Luca

Magazzino 18

The drama of the Italians forced into exile from Istria and Dalmatia told through the words and music of Simone Cristicchi

Tickets from 
€ 14
Teatro Studio Melato
© Piero Tauro

Tanti Sordi

Polvere di Alberto

A man, an actor, a legend: Elvira Frosini and Daniele Timpano, together with Lorenzo Pavolini, explore the monumental legacy of Alberto Sordi

Tickets from 
€ 17
Teatro Studio Melato
© Daniele Borghello


Sguardi di specie

Animated by Marta Cuscunà, a flock of mechanical crows examines the possibility of a new form of harmony between nature and progress

Tickets from 
€ 17
Teatro Studio Melato
© Wanda Perrone Capano

Gorla fermata Gorla

A dramatic moment in the history of Milan brought back to life through the stage play by Renato Sarti, with the voice of Giulia Lazzarini

Tickets from 
€ 14
Teatro Studio Melato
Disegno di Vito Matera, 2023

Il mostro di Belinda

metamorfosi di un racconto

In her new children’s theatrical production, Chiara Guidi presents the interweaving of good and evil with Belinda e la Bestia

Tickets from 
€ 17

European projects