
A passing of the baton between two women of the stage: Lella Costa accepts the invitation from Franca Valeri to perform La vedova Socrate.

A special kind of Harlequin, a “poor devil” who has wandered by mistake out of Hell, a wonderful performance by Enrico Bonavera.

A key figure in jazz, Enrico Intra presents a brand new concert, the music for which was created during a period of “decisively creative seclusion”.

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.

Elio De Capitani narrates Frankenstein, the masterpiece of Gothic literature by Mary Shelley.

Tramedautore opens its XX edition with a tribute to Antonio Tarantino, presenting one of his most powerful and mysterious works.

An irreverent and impartial work that looks back over the last ten years of history, beginning with the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

The story of a life that is ending, told to a train driver who has run over a man.

A chance encounter, a photography, memories that resurface and bring with them people and places that never cease to be dangerous.

The anger-ridden and highly dynamic story of those that came after 1968. A re-thinking of contemporary political passion.

An exhibition and three shows to relive the wonders of the Arabian Nights stories through the use of different languages.

The reading combines poems by Ostermaier, one of the most interesting writers on the German scene, and texts by the Argentine dramaturg and director Spregelburd.

From footballer to the stage: Lucia Mallardi recounts the life experiences that led her to both the football pitch and the stage.

Three sisters, united in mourning, find the courage to admit and confess the domestic violence they have suffered.