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Anatomia di un suicidio

One house, three women, a thread that binds them. lacasadargilla stages the play that, in 2023, won five UBU Awards

Antigone in cattedra

A true Brechtian didactic drama, our Antigone in cattedra comes to high-school classrooms to speak about legality and politics, feminism and patriarchy

© Masiar Pasquali

Arlecchino servitore di due padroni

The new Harlequin comes to the stage, a topical play that dances lightly on the thread of time strung between the past and the future


What is more frightening, an asteroid on a collision course or the rules of a musical? The answer lies in the new show by Marco D’Agostin

© Fondazione Festival dei Due Mondi, photo Andrea Veroni


A civil oration and a process of self-analysis: Davide Enia tells of the impact of Cosa Nostra on our personal and civil lives

© Daniele Borghello


Sguardi di specie

Animated by Marta Cuscunà, a flock of mechanical crows examines the possibility of a new form of harmony between nature and progress

Dance Me to the End of the World


Can one simultaneously be in the vibrations of a grand collective celebration and in those of complex thought?

© Joel Sartore/Photo Ark

Darwin, Nevada

A road story about the migration of the species and the risk of extinction of scientific thought

© Michelle Davis

Gli anni

Marta Ciappina in the award-winning production by D’Agostin, a blend of dance and theatre, and a reflection on time and memory

Ho paura torero

Claudio Longhi and Lino Guanciale bring Pedro Lembel's ruthlessly revolutionary love story to the stage

© Masiar Pasquali

Il barone rampante

Il barone rampante by Italo Calvino, a story of freedom, courage and perseverance, comes to the stage directed by Riccardo Frati

Disegno di Vito Matera, 2023

Il mostro di Belinda

metamorfosi di un racconto

In her new children’s theatrical production, Chiara Guidi presents the interweaving of good and evil with Belinda e la Bestia

Il vertice

Six actors guided by Christoph Marthaler come together to prepare a meeting at the summit. Will they succeed?

© Masiar Pasquali

La favolosa battaglia dei topi e delle rane

From Homer to Leopardi, a classic tale to discuss war with younger audiences and learn to play with words

© Nurith Wagner-Strauss

La Obra

Mariano Pensotti stages a striking play within a play that searches, in the present, for traces of past violence