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Romanzi teatrali - "Girl, woman, other" by Bernardine Evaristo

Girl, woman, other by Bernadine Evaristo,a cconversation with Igiaba Scego and Paolo Di Paolo, readings by Camilla Semino Favro

Amma is about to see her work debut on the prestigious stage of the National Theatre in London. It is a very special achievement for a black, militant director like herself, and it is a moment that she shares with her daughter Yazz, a university student, who is sitting in the audience with Shirley, an old friend of Amma. Numerous other female figures move around them, weaving the fabric of a choral piece, where people of all colours, social and cultural backgrounds and sexualities meet and clash, producing sparks of life.


Bernardine Evaristo (1959-) Born in London to an English mother and Nigerian father, she is a novelist and author of theatrical and critical works. Girl, woman, other has won the Booker Prize and the British Book Award and was a finalist for the Orwell Prize for political literature and the Women’s Prize for Fiction. She has always been actively involved in campaigns to valorise the work of artists of colour.



Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 6 p.m.
Girl, woman, other by Bernadine Evaristo
A conversation with Igiaba Scego and Paolo Di Paolo
Readings by Camilla Semino Favro