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©Masiar Pasquali

Uomini e no


Teatro Studio Melato

A return to the stage of the story of a group of young partisans in 1945 Milan. Based on the novel by Elio Vittorini, directed by Carmelo Rifici

©Masiar Pasquali

Uno spettacolo per chi vive in tempi di estinzione


Teatro Studio Melato

A play that examines the “sustainability” of theatre, extinction and the legacy that we leave the creatures inhabiting the planet.

©Yasuko Kageyama

Uno sguardo dal ponte


Teatro Strehler

Popolizio takes on the work by Arthur Miller, as perfect and enigmatic as a Greek tragedy

UNA FESTA | THE WALK – Amal: una bambina alla fine del mondo | Performance

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Little Amal’s journey begins near the Turkey-Syria border, to travel more than 8,000 km carrying a message for the Western World: “Don’t forget us”.

Una divina commedia


Teatro Grassi

As part of the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante, the Carlo Colla & Figli company takes on the fantastic journey of the Divine Comedy.

L’umano nell’uomo


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Sonia Bergamasco reads two stories by Vasilij Grossman, “possibly the best voice for us in Milan today”.



Teatro Grassi

USA, the beginning of the Twentieth Century; the birth of the stock exchange saw the creation of tycoons, extremely wealthy businessmen capable of conditioning society

© Masiar Pasquali

Trilogia della città di K.


Teatro Studio Melato

A woman with a foreign accent walks onto the stage. She tells a dark fable of innocence and evil. Is it the story of her life?

©PEPE fotografia

Tre sorelle


Teatro Studio Melato

Memories, the unsaid, regrets for a lost world, the impossibility of coming to terms with the present. A heart-rending Chekhov.

©Masiar Pasquali

Tre modi per non morire

I Greci, Dante, Baudelaire


Teatro Studio Melato

Through three texts by Giuseppe Montesano, Toni Servillo leads audiences on a journey through poetry, allowing them to once again feel alive.

Tre modi per non morire

Baudelaire, Dante, i Greci


Teatro Strehler

After performing to full houses last season, Toni Servillo re-embarks on his three-stage journey to explore Western poetry