How can I use my voucher?
The voucher is credit you can use as a payment method when purchasing tickets or subscriptions. You can present your voucher at the Teatro Strehler box office or by calling our box office line: please provide the 14-alphanumeric-character code at the top of your voucher at the time of payment. You can also use your voucher online in your personal area.
You can use your voucher credit for multiple purchases until the voucher value has been used up, or to cover part of the purchase price if the latter is higher. Please note that the Piccolo Teatro only accepts vouchers marked “Organizzazione: Fondazione Piccolo Teatro di Milano”.
When does my voucher expire?
Vouchers are valid for 36 months from the date of issue.
How much is my voucher worth?
You can check the remaining balance on your voucher by calling the box office line (+39 02 21126116) and giving your voucher codes.